Production of fabric hoses/geotextiles

Weaving fabric hoses/geotextiles

The huge weaving looms on the ground floor produce textile hoses exclusively. They weave up to 600 warp threads running bottom-up at steady tension with the weft threads that are lead through the warp threads by 4-6 spools with about 50 cycles per minute and then being pressed on. The warp threads are fixed on huge pedestals next to the machine and get launched into the loom from the bottom. The processing-diameter of the hose is controlled with a hollow cone in the center of the weaving-ring.

During the weaving process warp threads and weft threads are automatically being checked for the correct tension and firmness. If a thread bursts or a spool gets empty, the machine stops immediately. In that case an employee puts in a new spool or connects the threads with an air-pressure machine, which is called splicing. Because of the splicing there will be no bulges in the hose, as knots would cause.

Only at a creeping speed of the machine the human eye can follow the delicate process of weaving. Alternating the machine lifts and lowers the warp threads to give space for the weft threads to shoot through. Based on the type of loom about 20m of hose can be woven per hour.

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